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Wagyu Beef Biltong - "Original" flavour
Do you 'Wagyu'? We do!
What happens when you combine some of the absolute best beef in the world with our famous spice formula? Absolute bliss, that's what!
This traditional air-dried delicacy is lovingly made from premium Aussie Wagyu beef topside, and marinated in our special spice formula, which has attracted a loyal following of customers and the rave reviews you'll find in the testimonials section. Truly a cut above the rest!
Wagyu tastes incredible and has higher 'marbling' (intramuscular fat) than other beef.
According to the Australian Wagyu Assocation:
Wagyu offers the finest quality of beef available in Australia. Highly prized for the exceptional meat quality,
Wagyu genetics yield a beef higher in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids than typical beef.
Wagyu beef contains more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) – Omega 6 per gram than any other foodstuff – 30 per cent more than other beef breeds. CLA is a fatty acid with potent anti-carcinogenic properties, as well as being an anti-inflammatory agent.
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