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Robertson's - Meat Tenderiser - 88g Bottle
- Brand: Robertson's
- Category: Spices
Introducing Robertson's Meat Tenderiser - the perfect solution to achieving tender, succulent meat every time. This bottle of meat tenderiser is an essential addition to any home cook's arsenal.Robertson's Meat Tenderiser is specially formulated to break down the tough fibers in meat, resulting in a tender and juicy texture. Whether you're preparing a hearty beef stew or grilling up some chicken breasts, this meat tenderiser is the secret ingredient you need for deliciously tender results.
The convenient bottle size makes it easy to use just the right amount for your recipe, and the cap features a shaker top for even distribution. Simply sprinkle a small amount onto your meat before cooking, and let the tenderising magic happen.
Experience the difference for yourself and take your cooking to the next level with Robertson's Meat Tenderiser.
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